Better Citizenship Minting

Citizenship is our core revenue source today, yet buying citizenship today is nearly impossible.

Invite Links

Citizens can generate a link that others can use to join and be vouched for all at once.


Work: 1 DB table (or repurpose how we track vouches), 1 new page (/invite/CODE), 1 API route to handle invite, show personal invite link on user’s profile, some updates to new account creation

Time: 3 days, medium uncertainty. Biggest questions are around account creation changes — how do we track that you’re vouched for before you have an account.

Mint Page

Create a dedicated page in the app (/mint or /citizenship or both) where anyone can start the minting process (even if they don’t have an account). That way, when anyone asks “how do I join”, I have one clear place to direct them.


Work: 1 new page

Time: 2 days, low uncertainty. Also needs non-trivial design work (not included in time estimate)

Delayed Account Setup

Move most of the account setup steps to be after citizenship is minted.


Need to dig into account setup process further to give a real estimate. My guess is that this is not hard but there are some corner cases to consider. Would be surprised if it’s more than a week but I have not thought it through.

In-app Payments