Cabin is building a distributed city of beautiful neighborhoods for nature-loving creators and remote workers. We are building 10x cheaper and better living environments for people to colive together, conserve nature, and create new things.

Doing so has allowed us to reimagine how housing works. We now have five different paths for living in the at Neighborhood Zero - the first neighborhood in the Cabin network. Read more about each of them here:

<aside> 🏠 Ways to Live with Cabin (each are free except for #5)

1. Builder-in-Residence 2. Naturalist-in-Residence 3. Gatherer-in-Residence 4. Creator-in-Residence 5. Paying resident


Apply here to get started.

More on Housing Opportunities at Neighborhood Zero

Neighborhood Zero is the first property in Cabin’s network of neighborhoods. It is located in the Texas Hill Country and is a convenient 45 minute drive from Austin. It includes three housing structures across 28 acres, 9 bedrooms (and counting), two gentle cows, a sauna, a gym, access to beautiful nature trails, and more.

You can either pay to live at Neighborhood Zero as a Resident or you get free housing by advancing Cabin’s interests as a Creator, Builder, Naturalist, or Gatherer. More below:

[Creators also meet bi-weekly online in Cabin’s discord to share progress on their passion projects.](

Creators also meet bi-weekly online in Cabin’s discord to share progress on their passion projects.

[Residents are welcome to the same community-wide forums that other roles share, which include a regular community video call and several active channels in Discord.](

Residents are welcome to the same community-wide forums that other roles share, which include a regular community video call and several active channels in Discord.

[Builders also meet monthly online to share best practices and share updates on the projects they’re stewarding in their personal lives.](

Builders also meet monthly online to share best practices and share updates on the projects they’re stewarding in their personal lives.

[Naturalists in Cabin are also welcome to join our online + IRL Plant Club. We will mail you seeds and come harvest day, we will share in the world's first home-grown, distributed community potluck](

Naturalists in Cabin are also welcome to join our online + IRL Plant Club. We will mail you seeds and come harvest day, we will share in the world's first home-grown, distributed community potluck

[Gatherers gather in Cabin’s Discord to meet other gatherers and spacemakers.](

Gatherers gather in Cabin’s Discord to meet other gatherers and spacemakers.

[Caretakers own and operate Cabin neighborhoods and usually reside on their properties for most of the year. They also share best practices online.](

Caretakers own and operate Cabin neighborhoods and usually reside on their properties for most of the year. They also share best practices online.

Reimagining How We Live

The Cabin ecosystem consists of folks with unique skillsets who share a vision to create, colive, and conserve.

Neighborhood Zero is actively accepting residents for each of our different roles. Our success there can serve as a model for future Cabin properties. By providing non-financial pathways for housing we’re confident that we can accelerate the pace at which our community can come together to develop thriving neighborhoods.
