Co-created Social Clubs

Cabin Clubhouse Draft Proposal 1

Cabin Clubhouse Draft Proposal 2

Cabin Clubhouse Draft Proposal 3

Cabin Clubhouse V4


One of the biggest challenges in getting people to Cabin Weeks & coliving is getting them to relocate. People tend to grow roots and stay in a place for a phase of their life, only moving when beginning another phase (school, work, family). This is shown by how participants of coliving have often been in a transitory stage of their life.

Recognizing this, we can create a product for the larger market of people who don’t want to uproot their lives by providing an offering that they can access locally: a nearby club in the country, starting with Neighborhood Zero.


Say you work 9-5 Mon-Fri in an office in Austin then go home and spend the rest of your day in your condo. Where is your sandbox? Where do you have room to play?

Unless you or a friend have a country home where you can spread your limbs, your life is confined to the borders of each box you temporarily inhabit within the city. No campfires, no getting dirty, no swinging a hammer or touching grass; all things you also want your kids to experience, making this a problem for both families and individuals.


A membership that provides full access to Neighborhood Zero’s facilities, beds, tools, and events. Do-ocracy still remains, with a portion of membership fees going towards a pool of money that funds projects. The price point would be at a level that establishes Neighborhood Zero as a (solarpunk) club in the country for the middle class, reflected in how you’re expected to make your own bed and clean up after yourself.

Possible membership cost: $140/mo